Metal detectors

Cheapest Gold detectors 2024 

Cheapest Gold detectors 2024

The allure of discovering hidden gold treasure has captivated adventurers and treasure hunters for centuries. However, the high cost of top-tier metal detectors often puts this dream out of reach for many. It’s a frustrating reality: the excitement of the hunt clashes with the daunting price tag of reliable equipment.

The market is flooded with claims of affordable gold detectors, but many of these devices are unreliable and ultimately lead to disappointment. Don’t let your treasure hunting dreams be buried by a bad investment.

In this article, we’ll cut through the noise and uncover the best budget-friendly gold detectors that can kickstart your treasure hunting journey. We’ll provide honest reviews and expert advice to help you find a detector that delivers results without breaking the bank. Get ready to embark on your quest for gold!

Things to consider when looking for gold detectors 

Before diving into the world of cheap gold detectors, it’s essential to understand the key factors that influence their performance and suitability for your needs. Here are some crucial considerations:

Type of Detector:

  • Very Low Frequency (VLF): Most common and versatile, suitable for various terrains and conditions.
  • Pulse Induction (PI): Better for highly mineralized ground and deeper targets, but often heavier and more expensive.

Search Coil Size:

  • Smaller coils: Better for precise target location but less sensitive to deeper objects.
  • Larger coils: Cover more ground but less precise in pinpointing targets.

Sensitivity and Depth:

  • Sensitivity: Measures the detector’s ability to detect small or deeply buried objects. Higher sensitivity can lead to more false signals.
  • Depth: Indicates how deep the detector can detect targets. This depends on the type of metal, ground conditions, and coil size.


  • Allows you to filter out unwanted metals like iron, reducing false signals and saving time.

Ground Balance:

  • Essential for adjusting the detector to different soil conditions to avoid false signals.

Weight and Ergonomics:

  • Consider the detector’s weight and comfort for extended use.

Battery Life:

  • Ensure the detector has a sufficient battery life for your hunting sessions.

Additional Features:

  • Some detectors offer features like pinpoint mode, notch filtering, and wireless headphones, which can enhance the user experience.


  • A warranty can provide peace of mind and protection against defects

By carefully considering these factors, you can select a gold detector that aligns with your budget and treasure hunting goals. Remember, even the best detector requires practice and patience to yield successful results.

You want to know more about it click on the following link 

Now lets start with 

Cheapest Gold detectors 2024 

UIG WATCH Detector

Price: $ 2,299 

The UIG Watch device operates with three advanced imaging systems:
The smallest imaging device worldwide with the ability of complete concealment.
For detecting precious metals, treasures, ancient artifacts, voids, caves, and tombs underground.
The device reaches a depth of 20 meters underground, with the ability to specify depth in meters and centimeters.

The UIG Watch features three advanced scanning and imaging systems:

● Live scan System: This system provides a rapid scan of the target site and directly identifies the shape of the buried target or void.

● Wall Live Scan System: It is used for fast and direct searches for metals, voids, and ancient treasures behind the wall.

● 3D Imaging Systems: Many innovative technical specifications have been recently introduced to this system.


Normal price is $ 1,600 but its on a promotion for $ 1,200 

It’s Metal detector perfect  for beginners 

GER Detect and UIG Detectors have incorporated advanced technologies into the GOLDEN WAY device. The device operates with a fully automatic VLF system that remains unaffected by various soil types, including humid, mineral-rich, or rocky soils.

Ease of use is a notable feature, allowing users to commence searching immediately without spending time programming the device. The GOLDEN WAY device can penetrate up to 3 meters below the ground surface.

It is a multi-featured device with a high discrimination capacity between precious and non-precious metals underground, achieved through the emission of two distinct sounds.

Specifications and search systems of the GOLDEN WAY device:

For the first time in modern technology, the device operates with two different search systems:

1- Precious Metal Discrimination System.

2- Non-Precious Metal Discrimination System.

The main unit includes visual and sound indicators, as well as several buttons:

– Green light indicates the presence of precious metals (Non-Ferrous).

– Red light indicates the presence of non-precious metals (Ferrous).

And more …


Price Original $ 3,000 but we are running an offer for $ 2,350 

It introduces modern and unique technological advancements through a dual-dimensional imaging sensing system, allowing explorers to search for ancient hidden gold, raw gold, precious metals, treasures, diamonds, and voids, up to depths of 50 meters underground, with a front range of 3000 square meters.

Developed by GER Detect and UIG Detectors, this device combines advanced technologies to be the first of its kind globally.

Its specifications and features fulfill the dreams of explorers and prospectors worldwide.

The Gold Hunter Smart device was designed to address the challenges faced by researchers using traditional devices.

Gold Hunter Search systems:

For the first time in modern technology, one device operates with four different search systems

  1. Detection of gold, precious metals, and treasures
  2. Diamond detection system
  3. Search system for caves, voids, and ancient underground tombs
  4. Dual-dimensional imaging system for depth determination and analysis of search results.


Price: $ 2,500

Developed by GER Detect and UIG Detectors, all advanced technologies have been incorporated into this device, adding the ground induction feature capable of generating an Eddy Current (transmitter and receiver).

The Gold Seeker features an automatic operating system that is not affected by soil types: wet, rich in mineral salts, metallic rocks, or basaltic rocks. It can overcome all types of metallic rocks with automatic calibration technology.

The Gold Seeker is a multi-system device with a high discrimination capacity between precious and non-precious metals underground.

Specifications and search systems in the Gold Seeker device:

For the first time in the world of modern technology, one device operates with two different search systems:

1- Precious metal discrimination system.

2-Non-precious metal discrimination system.

Want to see more available devices check out here 

Also if you want to see our latest offers check out here

UIG detectors is here to assist you in finding your next Gold treasure and choosing the fit gold detector for you.

Register today to receive a free consultation, and our specialist will help you find your next gold detector.​

UIG Detectors

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GOLDEN WAY device ($1200 on promotion) as a beginner-friendly option with automatic VLF technology and ease of use. It highlights discrimination between precious and non-precious metals for a more focused search.

How deep can cheap gold detectors go?

While the article avoids mentioning “cheap” detectors (focusing on budget-friendly), it discusses factors affecting depth like coil size and detector type. It also showcases the GOLDEN WAY with a claimed depth of 3 meters. It’s important to remember these are estimates, and real-world depth can vary.

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GOLDEN WAY ($1200 on promotion) – VLF system, ease of use, discrimination.
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